growing in christ
martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011
Living Word. Gal Cap. 1. To whom be glory.
Gal 1:5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. The word "glory" can not be used out of the eternal God, and although the man used a thousand different ways, we should differentiate and highlight what the word really means. The Glory of God speaks of his power, his presence, his fullness. He is the author of all creation, visible and invisible. It is the only immortal and all powerful. His glory is but the anointing, but a divine touch, and all manifestation. His glory is the same in full. Need to understand that the glory belongs to God exclusively. This is why we need to bow down before Him and give everything that is yours alone. We can not believe we have been us. and our prayers, not our work, or fasting. It is he who does the work and we only instruments, and fragile vessels of clay. To the extent that we are jealous of their work more Glory to God in our lives. Rev 4:10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: Apo 4:11 Lord, are worthy to receive the glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.
Living Word. Gal Cap. 1. A different gospel
Gal 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel. The Apostle Paul, who should marvel of love, faith, holiness and delivery of Galatas, just surprised at how quickly they had been deceived, and had turned his genuine faith, the fables and traditions of men . This often happens with our lives, we begin with the Spirit, we are touched and transformed by God, but after a while we cool it, we left and we turn again to the rudiments of the world. Keep the faith, is a price is a record, is a sacrifice, is taking up the cross daily and do not conform to what is easy. The cooling comes from our carelessness is by looking at men instead of looking to God. Downfall comes because most of the time is easier for us, entangled in the study to seek God in prayer. We came because we heard the voice of deceivers who promise you the sky for nothing. Christ is still by faith, he loves nothing in return and is still in love, knowing that He gave everything for us, dying on a cross. There are many different gospels waiting at the door, but the real gospel is one that brings repentance, to break us in the depths and puts tears in our eyes and our hearts. The real gospel is the one that fills you with mercy, that keeps you humble before such a great God, and subject to your pastors. The gospel is more than empty words. is love spilled liquid in your bones, and it takes you to moan about others. Do not leave the place of faith for a mess of pottage, for a little pleasure, get up quickly from cold and monotony and serve your God.
miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010
Faith Is the Language of Heaven
By Anne Durant
We all have testimonies of different things we’ve gone through. There have been some tremendous tests! But as you probably know, tests come, basically, just to prove what you already know!
In school, they didn’t just pop a test on you on the first day. They taught you first, and you learned things, and then a test was given. You didn’t learn by the test; you learned before the test. The test came to prove what you already knew.
Praise God, you can be prepared for the test! No matter what test comes, you can be prepared to ace it!
But some of us have some cramming to do. I was always a crammer in school. Every test I took, I crammed for it the night before. I’m not proud of this. I don’t recommend it, but that’s just the way I’ve always been. And when God called me into the ministry, I said, “God, why in the world would You call somebody like me?”
And He said (some of you are going to like this), “I know that you’re a crammer. I know you’ve been known to procrastinate at times. But we’re in the last days.” And then He said, “I know you’ll cram till the end.”
I was born in the right time! Praise God! We’re in the last days and we have to finish strong!
Jesus said in John 16:33, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” And First John 5:4 says, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” So if you’re born of God, you ought to expect to be an overcomer! Don’t expect to fail the test.
When Jesus prayed for Peter in Luke 22:31 and 32, He said, “Peter, Satan has desired to have you to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not.” Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail! Why? Because faith is the victory that overcomes the world!
If our faith is going to be the victory that overcomes, then we have to know what to do with it because faith without works is dead (James 2:26).
Second Corinthians 4:13 in the New King James Version says, “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak.” We believe and therefore speak. Faith comes by hearing (Rom. 10:17), but it is released primarily by speaking. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” So guard your mouth. The heart of the wise, the Bible says, teaches his mouth (Prov. 16:23).
One day, I was meditating on some of these things—on confession and on words—and I asked God for more clarity. And this is what came up in my spirit. I heard, “Faith is a language.”
Now think about what language is. Language is part of our culture! It’s how we communicate. As I thought about this, it just came up in my spirit that faith is the language of Heaven! It’s how Heaven talks! And if it’s the language of Heaven, then it’s also part of the culture of Heaven. So if you want the culture of Heaven on the earth, you need to learn how to speak the language of Heaven. They’re not talking about death in Heaven. They’re not talking about aches and pains.
I have studied another language. And I know what happens when you study a language but don’t also immerse yourself in the culture. You get a vocabulary, but you don’t know how to put all the words together to communicate properly.
There are a lot of people who do that with faith. They know the vocabulary, but they can’t communicate the language properly!
You have to get your tenses right when you’re speaking faith! Pretty much everything about faith is present tense! The Bible says, “NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).
So start thinking when you’re speaking, Is what I am saying going to take me closer to what I want from God, or further away from it?
You may tell your kids, “Put your coat on. You’ll catch pneumonia.” But you don’t want that! So how about just telling them, “Put your coat on”? Don’t scare them with, “You’ll catch pneumonia.”
Notice what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 12:
MATTHEW 12:36–37
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Jesus said that you’ll have to give an account for every idle word. The word idle means “to shun the labor one ought to perform.” So idle words are words that you say without fully thinking. For example, what about those words that we say are “just between us” or “off the record”? There is a record. It says, “You’ll give account.” There is no “off the record.” We ought to make our words work for us!
My husband and I are constantly watching our words. We don’t say things like, “I can’t afford that,” because the Bible says, “He supplies all my need according to His riches in glory” (Phil. 4:19). Now I don’t deny the fact that I may not have enough money for something. But what I say is, “Not right now. I won’t get that just now.”
If I say, “Oh man, I can’t afford that,” I am not giving God anything to work with.
My husband and I work together on our words. If I hear something come out of his mouth that’s not faith, I just say, “What?” I give him a chance to think before he speaks the next time. And he does the same thing for me. If I say something that’s not faith, he’ll say, “What?” and give me an opportunity to dig up that seed and plant another one.
Sometimes we work hard on those words we want to say on purpose, but I want to exhort you to work just as hard on eliminating the other words—the doubt-filled words and the idle words—from your vocabulary.
Faith is a language! And the more you speak it, the more you’ll have the culture of Heaven in your life, in your home, and in your family. I work hard on my words. I’m constantly working on my words because I want what Heaven has and what God has. I want my faith to overcome in this life. And as a result, I’m seeing quicker results with the words I speak on purpose. And I like it. I like living the life of faith. The Bible says, “The just shall live by faith” (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). So if we live by faith, we ought to be constantly aware of it.
Praise the Lord! Our words work for us when we speak in faith—the language of Heaven!
We all have testimonies of different things we’ve gone through. There have been some tremendous tests! But as you probably know, tests come, basically, just to prove what you already know!
In school, they didn’t just pop a test on you on the first day. They taught you first, and you learned things, and then a test was given. You didn’t learn by the test; you learned before the test. The test came to prove what you already knew.
Praise God, you can be prepared for the test! No matter what test comes, you can be prepared to ace it!
But some of us have some cramming to do. I was always a crammer in school. Every test I took, I crammed for it the night before. I’m not proud of this. I don’t recommend it, but that’s just the way I’ve always been. And when God called me into the ministry, I said, “God, why in the world would You call somebody like me?”
And He said (some of you are going to like this), “I know that you’re a crammer. I know you’ve been known to procrastinate at times. But we’re in the last days.” And then He said, “I know you’ll cram till the end.”
I was born in the right time! Praise God! We’re in the last days and we have to finish strong!
Jesus said in John 16:33, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” And First John 5:4 says, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” So if you’re born of God, you ought to expect to be an overcomer! Don’t expect to fail the test.
When Jesus prayed for Peter in Luke 22:31 and 32, He said, “Peter, Satan has desired to have you to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not.” Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail! Why? Because faith is the victory that overcomes the world!
If our faith is going to be the victory that overcomes, then we have to know what to do with it because faith without works is dead (James 2:26).
Second Corinthians 4:13 in the New King James Version says, “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak.” We believe and therefore speak. Faith comes by hearing (Rom. 10:17), but it is released primarily by speaking. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” So guard your mouth. The heart of the wise, the Bible says, teaches his mouth (Prov. 16:23).
One day, I was meditating on some of these things—on confession and on words—and I asked God for more clarity. And this is what came up in my spirit. I heard, “Faith is a language.”
Now think about what language is. Language is part of our culture! It’s how we communicate. As I thought about this, it just came up in my spirit that faith is the language of Heaven! It’s how Heaven talks! And if it’s the language of Heaven, then it’s also part of the culture of Heaven. So if you want the culture of Heaven on the earth, you need to learn how to speak the language of Heaven. They’re not talking about death in Heaven. They’re not talking about aches and pains.
I have studied another language. And I know what happens when you study a language but don’t also immerse yourself in the culture. You get a vocabulary, but you don’t know how to put all the words together to communicate properly.
There are a lot of people who do that with faith. They know the vocabulary, but they can’t communicate the language properly!
You have to get your tenses right when you’re speaking faith! Pretty much everything about faith is present tense! The Bible says, “NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).
So start thinking when you’re speaking, Is what I am saying going to take me closer to what I want from God, or further away from it?
You may tell your kids, “Put your coat on. You’ll catch pneumonia.” But you don’t want that! So how about just telling them, “Put your coat on”? Don’t scare them with, “You’ll catch pneumonia.”
Notice what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 12:
MATTHEW 12:36–37
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Jesus said that you’ll have to give an account for every idle word. The word idle means “to shun the labor one ought to perform.” So idle words are words that you say without fully thinking. For example, what about those words that we say are “just between us” or “off the record”? There is a record. It says, “You’ll give account.” There is no “off the record.” We ought to make our words work for us!
My husband and I are constantly watching our words. We don’t say things like, “I can’t afford that,” because the Bible says, “He supplies all my need according to His riches in glory” (Phil. 4:19). Now I don’t deny the fact that I may not have enough money for something. But what I say is, “Not right now. I won’t get that just now.”
If I say, “Oh man, I can’t afford that,” I am not giving God anything to work with.
My husband and I work together on our words. If I hear something come out of his mouth that’s not faith, I just say, “What?” I give him a chance to think before he speaks the next time. And he does the same thing for me. If I say something that’s not faith, he’ll say, “What?” and give me an opportunity to dig up that seed and plant another one.
Sometimes we work hard on those words we want to say on purpose, but I want to exhort you to work just as hard on eliminating the other words—the doubt-filled words and the idle words—from your vocabulary.
Faith is a language! And the more you speak it, the more you’ll have the culture of Heaven in your life, in your home, and in your family. I work hard on my words. I’m constantly working on my words because I want what Heaven has and what God has. I want my faith to overcome in this life. And as a result, I’m seeing quicker results with the words I speak on purpose. And I like it. I like living the life of faith. The Bible says, “The just shall live by faith” (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). So if we live by faith, we ought to be constantly aware of it.
Praise the Lord! Our words work for us when we speak in faith—the language of Heaven!
The Lord our Peace
//Lynette Hagin
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
—John 14:27
In the world we live in, we desperately need peace. The turmoil around us is mind-boggling. Reports of wars, earthquakes, floods, and every other type of calamity fill the news. It seems that the only things we hear about are tragedies.
Meanwhile, man has more conveniences and luxuries than ever before. Many of them are designed to save time as well as make our lives easier. All we have to do is push a button and things get done!
With all of our modern conveniences, you would think that we would have more time. But despite modern technology, we seem to have less time. And even though we have every possible convenience of the times, there is no peace.
Thank God, our Heavenly Father has provided peace for us! Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
God loved us so much that He sent His Son to redeem mankind and restore our peace with Him.
Keep Your Focus
When anxious, fearful thoughts bombard our minds, we can cast them down. As we keep our thoughts focused on the right things, God can deliver us and keep us in perfect peace. Here are some things we can do to maintain a peaceful mind:
Refuse to fear.
When a problem strikes, don’t panic. Make your request known to God (Phil. 4:6–7).
Draw upon God’s strength.
Focus on all the good things God has done for you.
Quit pondering the “what-ifs” of life.
As we meditate on God’s promises, we won’t have time to worry, complain, or grow discouraged. We’ll always have a good report—the report of God’s Word.
On the CD You Can Have Peace, Lynette Hagin reads scriptures on peace and comfort over a soothing
musical background. Click here to purchase your copy for $10.
According to John 10:10, Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
Of course, we cannot have peace without knowing the Prince of Peace. We must accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior before we can experience true peace.
Sadly, many people today who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior don’t have peace. Why? Because they have not accepted Him as their Peace Giver.
I know when things begin to crumble under my feet—and they do crumble sometimes—Jesus is the One I turn to. You see, everything is not going to be a bed of roses just because we become Christians. We’re still going to go through trials and struggles.
In John 16:33, the Lord said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Jesus is telling
us that in this world we will go through rough places and deep valleys, but we’re not to camp in those valleys. We’re to walk through them in peace, knowing that He has overcome the world.
Instead of turning to the Lord for peace, many people today—including some Christians—are turning to drugs and alcohol to help them find peace. But God can carry us through the dark days and troubled times without altering our body chemistry!
Besides, drugs and alcohol can only give us temporary peace. But God can give us permanent peace. In times of anxiety and stress, we must turn to the Lord, because He is our peace! He’s the only One Who can lead us safely through the storms of life!
Keep Your Mind on the Mountain Mover
As long as we’re living on this earth, there will be challenges. But we can still have peace. Sometimes
we get so involved in thinking about our mountain of problems that we forget to keep our minds on the Mountain Mover. When we keep our minds on our Heavenly Father, we won’t worry about troubles in the economy. Everything around us may be spinning, but our confidence will be in God and His Word!
There’s an old song that says, “I trust in God wherever I may be, Upon the land or on the rolling sea, For, come what may, from day to day, My heav’nly Father watches over me.”1
God is watching over us! And His desire is that we live a life of peace, joy, and abundance. As we keep our minds focused on the Lord and lean on Him, the struggles will fade away, the turmoil will cease, and He will give us a peace that nothing else can!
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
—John 14:27
In the world we live in, we desperately need peace. The turmoil around us is mind-boggling. Reports of wars, earthquakes, floods, and every other type of calamity fill the news. It seems that the only things we hear about are tragedies.
Meanwhile, man has more conveniences and luxuries than ever before. Many of them are designed to save time as well as make our lives easier. All we have to do is push a button and things get done!
With all of our modern conveniences, you would think that we would have more time. But despite modern technology, we seem to have less time. And even though we have every possible convenience of the times, there is no peace.
Thank God, our Heavenly Father has provided peace for us! Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
God loved us so much that He sent His Son to redeem mankind and restore our peace with Him.
Keep Your Focus
When anxious, fearful thoughts bombard our minds, we can cast them down. As we keep our thoughts focused on the right things, God can deliver us and keep us in perfect peace. Here are some things we can do to maintain a peaceful mind:
Refuse to fear.
When a problem strikes, don’t panic. Make your request known to God (Phil. 4:6–7).
Draw upon God’s strength.
Focus on all the good things God has done for you.
Quit pondering the “what-ifs” of life.
As we meditate on God’s promises, we won’t have time to worry, complain, or grow discouraged. We’ll always have a good report—the report of God’s Word.
On the CD You Can Have Peace, Lynette Hagin reads scriptures on peace and comfort over a soothing
musical background. Click here to purchase your copy for $10.
According to John 10:10, Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
Of course, we cannot have peace without knowing the Prince of Peace. We must accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior before we can experience true peace.
Sadly, many people today who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior don’t have peace. Why? Because they have not accepted Him as their Peace Giver.
I know when things begin to crumble under my feet—and they do crumble sometimes—Jesus is the One I turn to. You see, everything is not going to be a bed of roses just because we become Christians. We’re still going to go through trials and struggles.
In John 16:33, the Lord said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Jesus is telling
us that in this world we will go through rough places and deep valleys, but we’re not to camp in those valleys. We’re to walk through them in peace, knowing that He has overcome the world.
Instead of turning to the Lord for peace, many people today—including some Christians—are turning to drugs and alcohol to help them find peace. But God can carry us through the dark days and troubled times without altering our body chemistry!
Besides, drugs and alcohol can only give us temporary peace. But God can give us permanent peace. In times of anxiety and stress, we must turn to the Lord, because He is our peace! He’s the only One Who can lead us safely through the storms of life!
Keep Your Mind on the Mountain Mover
As long as we’re living on this earth, there will be challenges. But we can still have peace. Sometimes
we get so involved in thinking about our mountain of problems that we forget to keep our minds on the Mountain Mover. When we keep our minds on our Heavenly Father, we won’t worry about troubles in the economy. Everything around us may be spinning, but our confidence will be in God and His Word!
There’s an old song that says, “I trust in God wherever I may be, Upon the land or on the rolling sea, For, come what may, from day to day, My heav’nly Father watches over me.”1
God is watching over us! And His desire is that we live a life of peace, joy, and abundance. As we keep our minds focused on the Lord and lean on Him, the struggles will fade away, the turmoil will cease, and He will give us a peace that nothing else can!
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009
Drug effects.MDMA (ecstasy)
In 1912 the company accidentally isolated Merck MDMA (3,4-metilendioximetanfeta-mine), finding no one specific medical application, abandoned their research labs. Between 1953 and 1954 the U.S. army took over the investigations. Although the first biological data on them were published until 1973, it was not until the 80s when people like the American chemist Alexander Shulguin, brought back to public light. In his own words: "rescue this substance at the suggestion of a friend. The tried and wrote about it in medical journals. I discovered that he had remarkable therapeutic benefits. At one point represented the emergence of a new family of agents that allow the individual emotional content to express and experience repressed by cultural barriers. " (15) The MDMA gained great popularity among the underground culture in California and among the clientele of the nightclub. Sellers, in a marketing action, the renamed the ecstasy. In 1985, the U.S. government declared this illegal substance even though many scientists argue that on its surface properties to repressed thoughts and memories.
Today, known throughout the world as Ecstasy or XTC, MDMA is also sold under the following headings: In United States: E, Adam Euphoria or in Mexico: Tacha in Spain: Delfín, Pasti, Pajarito, sun, tulip, Star .
Effects of Ecstasy on the body
Physical and psychological symptoms:
Many of the problems faced by users of ecstasy are similar to the effects produced by amphetamines and cocaine. The most notable are:
Psychological difficulties such as confusion, depression, problems sleeping, wants to consume drugs or dependence, severe anxiety and paranoia, either while under the influence of drugs or sometimes even weeks after consumption (including in some cases have been reported episodes of psychosis).
Physical symptoms that occur include muscle tension, tighten the teeth and jaw involuntarily, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness and chills or sweating. You can also see an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which represents a greater risk for people with heart or circulatory conditions.
For some it is rewarding its effect, produces a feeling of strength, increasing physical activity and sensitivity, others say it facilitates communication. The dance is nervous, with exaggerated movements. Increases blood pressure and often produces tachycardia and palpitations, it is dangerous for the heart. The temperature rises, burning inside, and in a closed environment without ventilation, non-stop moving, you can rent the kidney. especially if you do not take enough fluid, the liver can fail.
Most commonly, the pill that nervous-making, and often problems occur, anything you can tolerate.
Side Effects
While this drug has immediate effects also have side effects that may even last up to 8 days after being consumed.
One of the most common side effects are depression, exhaustion, dehydration, stress and fainting.
The structure and the effects of ecstasy are similar to those producing methamphetamine, which has been causing the deterioration of neurons containing the neurotransmitter dopamine. Damage to neurons containing dopamine, is the cause of motor failures that are observed in patients suffering from Parkinson disease. The symptoms of this disease begin with lack of coordination and tremors, and could result in a kind of paralysis.
This long period can produce various brain diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson and more related to loss of neurons or neurotrasmisores.
Another effect is that produces nervous tics, without wishing to move the mouth, face, neck and gnashed their teeth, leaving grimaces.
With the tablets are believed to control everything, but reality tells us that lower reflexes and attention are confusing things are, and under this condition is very dangerous to drive, there are too many accidents.
The effect of the pill can last up to 8 hours, more or less, but the next day there is depression, headaches, and even can be so weak that the consumer can not be lifted out of bed.
Today, known throughout the world as Ecstasy or XTC, MDMA is also sold under the following headings: In United States: E, Adam Euphoria or in Mexico: Tacha in Spain: Delfín, Pasti, Pajarito, sun, tulip, Star .
Effects of Ecstasy on the body
Physical and psychological symptoms:
Many of the problems faced by users of ecstasy are similar to the effects produced by amphetamines and cocaine. The most notable are:
Psychological difficulties such as confusion, depression, problems sleeping, wants to consume drugs or dependence, severe anxiety and paranoia, either while under the influence of drugs or sometimes even weeks after consumption (including in some cases have been reported episodes of psychosis).
Physical symptoms that occur include muscle tension, tighten the teeth and jaw involuntarily, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness and chills or sweating. You can also see an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which represents a greater risk for people with heart or circulatory conditions.
For some it is rewarding its effect, produces a feeling of strength, increasing physical activity and sensitivity, others say it facilitates communication. The dance is nervous, with exaggerated movements. Increases blood pressure and often produces tachycardia and palpitations, it is dangerous for the heart. The temperature rises, burning inside, and in a closed environment without ventilation, non-stop moving, you can rent the kidney. especially if you do not take enough fluid, the liver can fail.
Most commonly, the pill that nervous-making, and often problems occur, anything you can tolerate.
Side Effects
While this drug has immediate effects also have side effects that may even last up to 8 days after being consumed.
One of the most common side effects are depression, exhaustion, dehydration, stress and fainting.
The structure and the effects of ecstasy are similar to those producing methamphetamine, which has been causing the deterioration of neurons containing the neurotransmitter dopamine. Damage to neurons containing dopamine, is the cause of motor failures that are observed in patients suffering from Parkinson disease. The symptoms of this disease begin with lack of coordination and tremors, and could result in a kind of paralysis.
This long period can produce various brain diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson and more related to loss of neurons or neurotrasmisores.
Another effect is that produces nervous tics, without wishing to move the mouth, face, neck and gnashed their teeth, leaving grimaces.
With the tablets are believed to control everything, but reality tells us that lower reflexes and attention are confusing things are, and under this condition is very dangerous to drive, there are too many accidents.
The effect of the pill can last up to 8 hours, more or less, but the next day there is depression, headaches, and even can be so weak that the consumer can not be lifted out of bed.
True Faith
Our foundation, our basic foundation, our spiritual strength is eternal Christ.
The true faith is that which is affirmed in his speech, and the invisible hands of the faith we cling to it.
The faith of the believer, not to be based neither in dreams or visions, or feelings. True faith is the one that comes to hear the word of God, and believe with your heart.
Heb 4:2 For to us we had announced the good news to them but not hear them used the word, not accompanied by faith in those who heard him.
The word of God, the Bible contains all the teaching, the wisdom, all hope and all the knowledge we need to get closer and know God.
Psa 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is faithful, making wise the simple.
Psa 19:8 The commandments of the LORD are right, that gladden the heart;
The precept of the Lord is pure, who enlightens the eyes.
We need to address the council of God described in scripture. and believe with all my heart that God is telling us. Without understanding the word that the people will perish, the knowledge of good and makes God's people away from evil.
The true faith is that which is affirmed in his speech, and the invisible hands of the faith we cling to it.
The faith of the believer, not to be based neither in dreams or visions, or feelings. True faith is the one that comes to hear the word of God, and believe with your heart.
Heb 4:2 For to us we had announced the good news to them but not hear them used the word, not accompanied by faith in those who heard him.
The word of God, the Bible contains all the teaching, the wisdom, all hope and all the knowledge we need to get closer and know God.
Psa 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is faithful, making wise the simple.
Psa 19:8 The commandments of the LORD are right, that gladden the heart;
The precept of the Lord is pure, who enlightens the eyes.
We need to address the council of God described in scripture. and believe with all my heart that God is telling us. Without understanding the word that the people will perish, the knowledge of good and makes God's people away from evil.
Rise and shine
God put us as lights in a world full of darkness, and Jesus is our light that illuminates. Shut a serious betrayal, it is necessary to talk, share, teach, preach through all the means that God put within our reach. Prepare Jesus disciples, and commissioned them to teach the world carefully the words they had received in those three years and half of discipleship. Commission to 70 and sent them two by two, to take authority, to heal the sick, to teach repentance. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and this was sent, so they were witnesses. One witness spoke of what he has seen and heard has experienced God's presence.
In the church today seems as if the fullness of the Spirit is simply to feel, to enjoy, to worship that we've had more good. The fullness of the Spirit is to have the power and ability to preach the Gospel, to resist the temptations of this world, and to obey God.
What should we preach? repentance, forgiveness of sins, salvation through Jesus.
Who has to preach? All those who have believed in Christ.
When we have to preach? Whenever you get a chance, anywhere.
The gospel is Christ, is the gift of God is power to salvation.
Unfortunately, when the church accommodation was enrriquece, and took pleasure in itself, preaching the gospel only appears as an option. But preaching and teaching is a commandment of God. The early church, preach, was prosecuted and continued to preach, was taken to prison and death in the amphitheater, and continued preaching. And soon filled the entire known world of the gospel of Christ. They are disturbing because they knew and where they were and knew the show was at that time.
God has placed his son in earthenware vessels, has chosen the church, his body as an instrument to bring the gospel to every creature, and we can not be satisfied with our drowsy state. We must wake up and continue to proclaim the kingdom of God and His Justice. Either personally or by radio, television, the Internet. etc ... the important thing is that the message is clear and unequivocal. "The man without Christ is lost"
God bless you and affirm their faith and God will give us the courage to follow Jesus announced.
Luis M. Quiros.
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